My name is Rachel Varga, and I am a Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist and Celebrity Skin Expert. 20,000 rejuvenation procedures later, I am passionate about helping clients get the skin that they want, and feel their best in the process.
I now run clinical and virtual skin and rejuvenation guidance practices at RachelVarga.ca. Over the last 10 years in my clinical practice, I have honed in on several keys to looking and feeling your best. Ingesting antioxidants and incorporating practices that nourish your mind, body and spirit along with leading a healthy lifestyle are all so important.
These aspects of healthy living help to promote homeostasis and reduce inflammation in the skin from the inside out. If you’ve ever noticed changes in your skin such as redness, acne, sunspots or skin laxity, then you’ve probably started to notice chronic inflammation, which impacts both your internal and external aging processes.
Certain antioxidants and peptides are proven to clinically reduce inflammation in the body and also in the skin. Research and product development over the last 15 years has helped to evolve the landscape of skincare and most notably, skin nutrients, otherwise known as nutraceuticals to impact the skin from the inside out.
What I’ve discovered over this last year in lockdown for myself and my clients, is that we’re seriously upping our at-home skincare game by taking Bend Beauty. Bend Beauty’s Marine Collagen + Co-Factors and Renew + Protect are developed with an emphasis on skin health, and they are a massive gamechanger. I’ve been able to cultivate the best skin that I’ve ever had in my life with fewer in-clinic interventions by addressing the root cause of skin inflammation.
What I’ve learned, personally, on my journey of adding collagen and skin boosting supplements, is that not only am I helping my skin look better and age better – but I also feel better. I have less skin irritation. During the summer months, these antioxidants also help to reduce my photo-damage from previous glory days outside in nature.
I’ve personally been taking collagen daily for the last year, and some of the changes I’ve noticed in my skin are fewer fine lines, wrinkles and also a need for fewer in-clinic rejuvenation treatments like chemical peels, laser treatments and injectables. By leaning into my at-home skincare routine i.e. dermal rolling and supplements, I’ve significantly been able to dial back on the in-clinic rejuvenation which helps save time and money in the long run.
Another aspect of the Bend Beauty brand I love is that this company actually cares about where they source their collagen, as the collagen is sourced from the skin of fish from sustainably-managed fisheries. I’m thrilled to have found Bend Beauty and feel confident in recommending this product line to my clients who are struggling with things like redness, age spots, skin laxity, and who are in general, wanting to improve their skin health for many years to come.
I invite you to reach out with your skin questions to me at info@rachelvarga.ca and use promo code BendBeauty15 for 15% off of your One on One Skin and Rejuvenation Consultation for both at-home and in-clinic options.
Plus, be sure to check out my interview on the Rachel Varga Podcast and YouTube Channel with the founder of Bend Beauty – Mark St Onge.
- -Rachel Varga, BScN, RN, CANS, Board Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist since 2011
- info@rachelvarga.ca
- RachelVarga.ca
- The Rachel Varga Podcast
- @rachelvargaofficial on IG, FB, and YouTube